

一、 基本信息:
二、 学习经历:
1.2001.9-2005.7     河北工业大学  材料科学专业  本科
2.2005.9-2007.7       天津大学    材料科学专业  硕士
3.2007.9-2012.10    上海交通大学   材料加工工程  博士
2009.10-2010.10   日本东北大学     金属研究所  访问学者
三、 主讲课程
四、 主持项目
1. 天津市自然基金青年基金项目,16JCQNJC03600 “反应等离子喷涂TiN增韧Fe-基非晶复合涂层的研究2016.04- 2019.036万元研,主持
2. 国家自然基金青年基金项目,51402083 等离子喷涂陶瓷-Fe基非晶梯度复合涂层的研究”, 2015.01-2017.1225已结题,主持
3. 河北省教育厅优秀青年基金项目YQ2014001AZ91D镁合金表面等离子喷涂耐磨耐蚀非晶涂层的研究, 2015.01-2017.1212万元结题,主持
4. 河北省海外留学归国人员资助项目C201400307等离子喷涂法制备自增韧锆基非晶耐磨耐蚀复合涂层的研究, 2015.01-2017.123万元结题,主持
5. 河北省自然基金青年基金项目,E201402096等离子喷涂高耐磨耐蚀性非晶-陶瓷复合涂层的研究2014.01-2016.123万元结题,主持 
6. 国家自然基金面上项目51672067硼化钛基原位纳米复合涂层组织结构性能调控机理研究 2017.01-2020.1262万元在研,参与(排名第三)
7. 国家自然基金面上项目51072045高抗锌蚀多级结构复合涂层组织结构设计及耐蚀机理研究 2011.01-2013.1239万元,已结题,参与(排名第三).
8. 国家自然基金青年基金项目,51102074“三维网状结构纳米复合粉体的形成机制及其对纳米结构涂层的强韧化机理研究” 2012.01-2014.1225万元,已结题,参与(排名).
五、 研究成果
1. 开发高耐磨耐蚀涂层研究开发出了一种可实现成分可控的非晶-陶瓷复合涂层的制备工艺,其耐磨耐蚀性能较单一的陶瓷涂层或非晶涂层均有较大的提高。
2. 阐明了复合涂层的耐磨耐蚀机制,提出设计高性能复合的设计机理。
六、 申请专利
1. 褚振华阎殿然,张建新,董艳春,杨勇,陈学广,黄丹.一种陶瓷/铁基非晶复合涂层的制备方法,ZL2015 1 0593836.1授权2017.6.27
2. 杨勇陈学广,褚振华,王磊董艳春,阎殿然,张建新袁立武,张旭宁硼化钛复合材料涂层制备方法ZL2013 1 0466640.3授权日:2015.9.9
 3. 杨勇,阎殿然,陈学广,王磊,褚振华,董艳春,张建新,袁立武. ZL2013 1 0467151.3 授权日2015.9.2
七、 发表论文
1. Zhenhua Chu*, Yong Yang, Xueguang Chen, Dianran Yan, Dan Huang, Wang Lei, Zhe LiuCharacterization and tribology performance of Fe-based metallic glassy composite coatings fabricated by gas multiple-tunnel plasma spraying. Surface coating and technology 2016,( 292): 44-48.
2Zhenhua Chu, Guangyin Yuan, Hidemi Kato, Guoqiang Xie, Dianran Yan. The effect of size and volume fraction of the reinforcement onmechanical property and deformation mechanism of the bulk metallic glassy composite, Journal of Alloys and Compounds2015 (644) 25–29.
3Zhenhua Chu, Guangyin Yuan, Hidemi Kato, Guoqiang Xie, Dianran Yan. The study on interface and property of TiNb/Zr-based metallic glassy composite fabricated by SPS. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2015 (426) 83–87.
4. Z.H. Chu, H. Kato, G.Q. Xie, G.Y. Yuan, D.R. Yan, The effect of matrix fracture toughness on the plastic deformation of the metallic glassy composite, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014,(612): 10-15.
5. Z.H. Chu, H. Kato, G.Q. Xie, G.Y. Yuan, W.J. Ding, Correlation between the enhanced plasticity of glassy matrix composites and the intrinsic mechanical property of reinforcement, Materials Science and Engineering A. 2013,(560): 40-46.
6. Z.H. Chu, H. Kato, G.Q. Xie, G.Y. Yuan, W.J. Ding, A. Inoue, Consolidation and mechanical properties of Cu46Zr42Al7Y5 metallic glass by spark plasma sintering, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2012, ( 358): 1263-1267. 
7. Z.H. Chu, H. Kato, G.Q. Xie, G.Y. Yuan, W.J. Ding, Enhanced mechanical properties by cyclic compression in TiNb/Zr-based metallic glassy compositeMetallurqical and Materials Transaction A, 2013, (44): 4595-4600. 
8. Zhe Liu, Zhenhua Chu, Yanchun Dong, Yong Yang, Xueguang Chen, Xiangjiao Kong, Dianran Yan, The effect of metallic bonding layer on the corrosion behavior of plasma sprayed Al2O3 ceramic coatings in simulated seawater, Vacuum, 2014, (101):1-9.
9. Liu Z, Yan DR*, Dong YC, Yang Y, Chu ZH, Zhang Z, The effect of modified epoxy sealing on the electrochemical corrosion behavior of reactive plasma-sprayed TiN coatings. CORROSION SCIENCE, 2014, (75): 220-227. 
10. Zhe Liu, Yanchun Dong, Zhenhua Chu, Yong Yang, Yingzhen Li, Dianran Yan, Corrosion behavior of plasma sprayed ceramic and metallic coatings on carbon steel in simulated seawater, Materials and Design, 2013, (52): 630-637. 
八、 获奖情况:
九、 联系方式: