

1993.9~1997.7 安徽农业大学 农业机械化专业     本科
2000.9~2003.7 合肥工业大学 固体力学专业         硕士
2003.9~2007.6 南京航空航天大学 工程力学专业 博士
2009.1~2011.8 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所 材料科学与工程 博士后
1. 国家自然科学基金:No.51072213、新型过渡金属硼化物超硬材料的微观机制与理论预测、执行期限2011.1~2013.12、经费38万元
2. 上海市科委基础领域重点项目:No.13JC1402900、新型超硬材料的微观设计:以过渡金属硼化物为例、执行期限2013.9~2016.8、经费40万元
3. 上海市科委地方院校能力建设重点项目:No.11160501000、面向海洋浮标装备的波浪能供电关键技术研究与试验、执行期限2011.12~2014.6、经费80万元
4. 上海市科委地方院校能力建设重点项目:No.08210511900、海洋浮潜标装备及其控制技术、执行期限2008.10~2011.9、经费70万元
5. 上海市自然科学基金:No.08ZR1409400、高压下若干过渡金属化合物相变与超硬的研究、执行期限2008.10~2010.09、经费10万元
6. 上海市教委科研创新重点项目:No.11ZZ147、过渡金属硼化物WBx的超硬机制与微观设计、执行期间2011.1~2013.6、经费15万元
7. 上海市教委科研创新项目:No.08YZ119、过渡金属化合物超硬的结构设计与内在机制、执行期限2008.1~2010.12、经费8万元
8. 中国博士后科学基金:No.20090450738、过渡金属硼化物超硬特性及其微观机制的第一性原理研究、执行期限2009.1~2010/12、经费3万元
9. 上海市博士后科学基金:No.10R21416700、过渡金属硼化物的超硬微观设计、执行期限2010.1~2011.6、经费4万元
10. 上海市优秀青年教师专项基金:No.SSC07034、锇及其化合物高压相变与力学特性计算、执行期限2007.10~2010.9、经费3万元
五、 研究成果
1. 阐明了过渡金属化合物超硬特性是由化学键(共价键、离子键和金属键等)组合、成键轨道空间分布和键态优化填充等微观方面综合决定的,突破了传统超硬材料(如金刚石等)的纯共价键机制。
2. 建立了三维共价网络和热力学稳定性是超硬设计两大主要参数,从热力学稳定性的能量思路去寻找新型过渡金属化合物超硬材料,超越了在高价电子浓度基础上的高体变模量的超硬设计思路。
六、 申请专利
1. 王世明,姜琳琳,吴爱平,唐歆,诸逦莹,梁拥成,马利娜,海洋剖面循环探测浮标,CN201110022640.9, 发明专利
2. 王世明,姜琳琳,吴爱平,唐歆,诸逦莹,梁拥成,马利娜,海洋剖面循环探测浮标,CN201120017977.6, 实用新型专利
3. 唐歆,兰雅梅,宋秋红,梁拥成,张闻,海洋资料浮标风能太阳能互补装置,CN201020671240.1,实用新型专利
4. 李渊,王世明,梁拥成,余仕彪,付涛,一种往复式水草切割装置,CN201220192154.1,实用新型专利
5. 唐歆,兰雅梅,宋秋红,梁拥成,张闻,海洋资料浮标太阳能供电装置,CN201020670736.7,实用新型专利
1. Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Xun Yuan, Yanfeng Gao, Wenqing Zhang, Peihong Zhang, Phonon-assisted crossover a nonmagnetic Peierls insulator to a magnetic Stoner metal, Physical Review Letters 2014, 113(17): 176401.
2. Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Jiong Yang, Xun Yuan, Wujie Qiu, Zheng Zhong, Jihui Yang, Wenqing Zhang, Polytypism in superhard transition metal triborides. Scientific Reports 2014, 4: 5063.
3. Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Xun Yuan, Zhao Fu, Yuan Li, Zheng Zhong. An unusual variation of stability and hardness in molybdenum borides, Applied Physics Letters 2012, 101, 181908.
4. Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Xun Yuan, Wenqing Zhang, Thermodynamic identification of tungsten borides, Physical Review B 2011, 83(22): 220102(R).
5. Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Chun Li, Wanlin Guo, Wenqing Zhang. First-principles investigation of technetium carbides and nitrides, Physical Review B 2009, 79: 024111. 
6. Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Wenqing Zhang, Jianzhi Zhao, Lianfeng Chen. Superhardness, stability, and metallicity of diamondlike BC5: Density functional calculations, Physical Review B 2009, 80: 113401. 
7. Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Bin Zhang, Jianzhi Zhao. Mechanical properties and structural identifications of the cubic TiO2, Physical Review B 2008, 77: 094126.
8. Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Bin Zhang. Mechanical and electronic properties of superhard ReB2, Physical Review B 2007, 76: 132101.
9. Yugui Yao, Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Di Xiao, Qian Niu, Shun-Qing Shen, Xi Dai, Zhong Fang, Theoretical evidence of the Berry-phase mechanism in anomalous Hall transport: First-principles studies of CuCr2Se4−xBrx, Physical Review B 2007, 75: 020401(R).
10. Guangtao Wang, Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Lihua Zheng, Zongxian Yang, The band structure and Fermi surface of (Sr3Sc2O5)Fe2As2, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2009, 21: 145702.
11. Bin Zhang, Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Huiyu Sun, Structural phase transition and failure of nanographite sheets under high pressure: a molecular dynamics study, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2007, 19: 346224.
12. Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Zhong Fang, First-principles study of osmium under high-pressure, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2006, 18: 8749.
13. Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Zhao Fu, Xun Yuan, Shiming Wang, Zheng Zhong, Wenqing Zhang, An unexpected softening from WB3 to WB4, Europhysics Letters 2012, 98: 66004.
14. Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Wenqing Zhang, Lianfeng Chen. Phase stabilities and mechanical properties of two new carbon crystals, Europhysics Letters 2009, 87: 56003.
15. Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Xun Yuan, Wenqing Zhang, Ultrastiffness and metallicity of rhenium nitrides, Journal of Applied Physics 2011, 109: 053501.
[16] Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Yanpeng Gou, Xun Yuan, Zheng Zhong, Wenqing Zhang, Unexpectedly hard and highly stable WB3 with a noncompact structure, Chemical Physics Letters 2013, 580: 48-52.
[17] Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Zheng Zhong, Wenqing Zhang, A thermodynamic criterion for designing superhard transition-metal borides with ultimate boron content, Computational Materials Science 2013, 68: 222-228.
[18] Yanpeng Gou, Zhao Fu, Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Zheng Zhong, Shiming Wang, Electronic structures and mechanical properties of iron borides from first principles, Solid State Communications 2014, 187: 28-32. 
[19] Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Jianzhi Zhao, Bin Zhang, Electronic structure and mechanical properties of osmium borides, carbides and nitrides from first principles, Solid State Communications 2008, 146: 450-453.
[20] Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Xun Yuan, Wenqing Zhang, The effect of magnetostructural coupling on mechanical behaviors in CrN. Solid State Communications 2010, 150: 2045-2048.
[21] Zhao Fu, Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Shiming Wang, Zheng Zhong, Structural phase transition and mechanical properties of TiO2 under high pressure, Physica Status Solidi B 2013, 250: 2206-2214.
[22] 梁拥成,郭万林,方忠,过渡金属化合物OsB2与OsO2低压缩性的第一性原理计算研究, 物理学报2007, 56(8): 4847-4855.  
[23] Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Anhu Li, Qiuhong Song, Structural phase transitions and mechanical properties of OsO2 under high pressure, International Journal of Modern Physics B 2010, 24(22): 4269-4279.
[24] Yongcheng Liang(梁拥成), Anhui Li, Jianzhi Zhao, Wenqing Zhang,  Designing superhard materials by incorporating boron into heavy transition metals, Modern Physics Letters B 2009, 23: 1281-1290.
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